METIS_SetDefaultOptions Interface

public function METIS_SetDefaultOptions(options) result(ierr) bind(C,name="METIS_SetDefaultOptions")


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer(kind=idx_t), intent(out) :: options(METIS_NOPTIONS)

The array of options that will be initialized.

Return Value integer(kind=idx_t)

METIS_OK - Indicates that the function returned normally.


Initializes the options array into its default values.


To set Fortran style index-numbering use:

use metis_enum, only: METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING
use metis_interface, only: idx_t, METIS_SetDefaultOptions
integer(kind=idx_t) :: opts(0:39)

call METIS_SetDefaultOptions(opts)
opts(METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING) = 1 ! Fortran-style index numbering

Other options can also be changed using parameters specified in the metis_interface module.

use metis_enum, only : METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL, METIS_DBG_INFO
use metis_interface, only : idx_t, METIS_SetDefaultOptions
integer(kind=idx_t) :: opts(0:39)

call METIS_SetDefaultOptions(opts)
opts(METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL) = METIS_DBG_INFO ! Show various diagnostic messages